Ishq Hua” is an upcoming Geo TV drama produced by 7th Sky Entertainment, known for its high-end cinematic quality. Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi are the producers. The drama features young talents Haroon Kadwani, Komal Meer, and Sahar Hashmi, with Sohail Sameer playing a key role. Directed by Syed Wajahat Hussain, known for “Khaie,” and written by Nooran Makhdoom of “Tere Bin” fame, “Ishq Hua” promises stunning cinematography, beautiful frames, and dynamic action sequences. The cast also includes Fazila Qazi, Ramiz Siddiqui, and Shehzad Mukhtar
Today, Geo Entertainment and 7th Sky Entertainment released the highly anticipated first episode of their new drama serial, “Ishq Hua.” The trailer offers a glimpse into the love story of Tabraiz, portrayed by Haroon Kadwani, along with notable performances by Komal Meer, Sehar Hashmi, and Sohail Sameer. The storyline hints at the challenges the young couple will face as they strive to achieve their love, promising a blend of emotional depth and dramatic twists. Catch the beautiful trailer shared by 7th Sky Entertainment for a preview of what’s to come