Kubra Khan and Goher Mumtaz, two talented Pakistani stars, are set to appear in the upcoming feature film “Abhi,” scheduled for release on Eid Ul Azha. The film’s trailer has already been unveiled by the filmmakers. Both leads are currently engaged in promoting the film. Directed by Asad Mumtaz and produced by Khalid Iqbal and Goher Mumtaz, “Abhi” features a story and music composed by Goher Mumtaz. It is a presentation by Pennine Kennedy & GM production under the banner of Hum TV Network. The cast also includes Rana Majid and Shehzad Nawaz
Today, Hum TV released the beautiful and melodious song “Pyar Da Nasha.” Sung by the talented singer and composer Goher Mumtaz, the video stars the stunning Kubra Khan, Goher Mumtaz, and Rana Majid. The song has been written and composed by Sami Khan, with choreography by Nigah Jee. You can watch the song video here: [Watch the song video here].