In the charming town of Baharabad, Zaib-un-Nisa’s life takes a heart-wrenching turn. Once filled with love and joy, her story unfolds as the wheel of time spins, transforming her definite feelings of love into bitter despise.
Journey of Zaib-un-Nisa: Zaib, known for her bright smile, experiences the unraveling of her love story with Armaan. As time progresses, their once strong connection weakens, and the warmth of love turns into the cold bitterness of despise.
Challenges: The interference of Armaan’s best friend, Ali, and his conniving sister, Sara, introduces misunderstandings that strain the relationship. Zaib’s life becomes a saga of sacrifices and the patience to endure the changing tides of love.
Themes: The narrative explores themes of love’s evolution, betrayal, sacrifice, and the strength found in patience.
Broadcast Schedule: Tune in daily at 7:00 PM to witness Zaib-un-Nisa’s emotional journey unfold. The story repeats at 11:00 AM for those who want to relive the poignant tale.
As the story progresses, viewers are left wondering whether Zaib will find a way to mend her shattered heart or if her life will forever be marked by sacrifice and patient endurance.