Yunhi” is a captivating romantic drama serial directed by Muhammad Ehteshamuddin, featuring Maya Ali and Bilal Ashraf in lead roles. The series follows the love story of Dawood, a simple-minded man, and Kaneez Fatima, a strong-headed woman, who hail from the same cultural background but have been raised in different societies. As they embark on a journey of love, they navigate the challenges of cultural diversity and learn to tolerate and respect each other’s contrasting perspectives on life.
Set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, “Yunhi” explores the complexities of modern relationships and the quest for love and understanding in a diverse society. Through its lighthearted narrative, the series delves into themes of acceptance, tolerance, and mutual respect, highlighting the importance of embracing cultural diversity in fostering meaningful connections.
With a talented ensemble cast including Behroze Sabzwari, Deepak Perwani, Tazeen Hussain, Tahira Imam, Manzoor Qureshi, Maha Hassan, Khaqan Shahnawaz, Uzma Baig, Saad Faridi, Laiba Khurram, and others, “Yunhi” promises to be a captivating and entertaining watch. Produced by Momina Duraid Productions, the series offers viewers an engaging portrayal of love and relationships, enriched by its talented cast and compelling storyline..
Maya Ali, Bilal Ashraf, Ehteshamuddin, Behroz Sabzwari, Deepak Parwani, Tazeen Hussain, Tahira Imam, Manzoor Qureshi, Maha Hassan, Khaqan Shahnawaz, Uzma Beg, Saad Faridi, Laiba Khurram